Friction to Flow

I have had the pleasure of facilitating teams in workshops where we incorporate the use of personal profiles of individuals to identify their natural and adaptive behaviors and how these may integrate into the workplace with regard to communication, roles, productivity, and business efficiency. They are great fun and quite revealing. I use the Extended DISC behavioral profiling system to do this.

The goal is effective communication in the business and aligning people to their natural strengths while understanding how they have adapted themselves to current roles and positions. Sometimes this can be conflicting! Understand why some tasks, people or circumstances are very draining to your natural style... then how to compensate, cope or adjust to the work or stressful situations.

Creating an open dialogue with transparent conversations amongst the team members causes discussions to evolve that bring about better outcomes for both the team and the business. The alternate one-person viewpoint doesn’t really encourage openness, safety, or full transparency. Interesting right! but often overlooked. It's about people and the business and how to get better outcomes for both.

These sessions can provide some amazing revelations about your business, your people, and how individuals can contribute more and achieve better satisfaction in their roles. This can create some dynamic shifts in communication but also in identifying and closing gaps within your business. It is about engaging with your people and their genius.

Problems solved: Improved team communications (breaking old paradigms), gap analysis and action plan to close these gaps, identifying and expanding on the right person for the right job, identifying bottlenecks with your people and process, turning friction to flow.

Want to know more about discovering the hidden potential in your business? Get in touch! What are your views on facilitated open discussions in your workplace?

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